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Summer -22

The Amonda Method

“The Amonda Method”

Amonda, Grade 12

Presented before us is a real dilemma that sees no feasible solution: Paint-By-Numbers paintings’ decline in sales. The automatic reaction is to view the problem from an economic standpoint. What are the price and non-price determinants of this decrease in demand? How strong are the competitors in the market? While they are important questions to consider, Paint-By-Numbers should really be focusing on something else: their advertising.

When promoting a product, companies may think that a commercial, an advertisement on Instagram, or sponsoring a celebrity are the best ways to attract customers. However, a new measurement in town is rumored to be more reliable than most testimonials. Bringing her years of experience, meticulousness, and precision, the Amonda Method is the ultimate testimonial trusted by billions of customers around the globe.

The Amonda Method, created by the relatable mastermind behind the measurement, Amonda Li, is used to measure the span of time a hobby can fully capture the attention of a human. This idea was rooted in the experiences of the creator herself, as she often shuffles through hobbies at different spans of time. Her longest spanning hobby of nail art has lasted for 6 years and counting, whereas collage-making only lasted 3 weeks. The more common and expected time span is approximately 10 months, as evidenced by sudoku, YouTube video production, and watching Formula 1 Racing. It is with this empirical evidence that the measurement is derived: an Amondan full life is equivalent to 10 months of human interest, an Amondan half-life is 5 months, and so on.

As prefaced, the Amonda Method is primarily used for advertising as a credible testimonial that has a strong social influence. It is important for business owners to get an audit from Amonda, herself, as she is the key holder to an Amondan score. Every day for 12 hours, Amonda works tirelessly to test hundreds of products simultaneously to authentically gauge her attention span on each activity. The Amondan half-life point is when she will give ratings to products that were at or below half-life while continuing with hobbies she still enjoys indulging in. Once the rating is obtained, companies can then advertise their products based on the Amondan score, often giving customers the additional and more valued opinion that nudges them into making a purchasing decision. To predict, approximately 98% of the New York Times’ sales were made because of their Amondan score, which gave them a lifetime of Amondan full lives, a guarantee for the product to be a lifetime staple for customers.

The lack of an Amondan rating is perhaps the inevitable downfall of Paint-By-Numbers. In this day and age, with competition booming all around the art industry, no mistakes can be made and no opportunities for publicity can be missed.

Do you have a unique product that can act as a hobby? Would you like a rating that can single-handedly change the number of zeroes in your paycheck? If so, the Amonda Method is the unit of measurement you need for success.
We wish to acknowledge this land on which Branksome operates. For thousands of years, it has been the traditional land of the Wendat, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. Today, this meeting place is still the home to many Indigenous peoples from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work and go to school on this land.*

*The Land Acknowledgement may evolve as we honour our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation in partnership with Indigenous communities.

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