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Winter - 23

Bliss is but a mirage

Bliss is but a mirage

by Mani, Grade 11

What does it feel like to choke something so tight you suffocate it? Why must my ironclad clasp be the very reason you slipped away? I want to hold on to this elation, 
Flatten it against my wall until it is permanently stained. 
So that when there is nothing in sight but somber skies, 
I can know that there once was joy. 

That once the wind rushed past 
Gracing us with a moment of cool amidst the dry heat, 
So I can be able to recall the euphoria of pushing up against a breaking wave, Soaring over its peak. 
Rising without a single thought, 
Feeling the charged water flow beneath 
Being propelled to shore, 
Hurdled towards the dunes. 

Watching a strobe of radiant fuchsia disappear beyond the horizon, Turning over soft sand in between your toes, 
Feeling the blood rush to your head as you swing into the jungle 
The supple silk that slinks off your forefingers. 
Dust rising from the asphalt somehow clearing your vision when you know it should be blurred. 

The tickle of the sun's rays 
Humidity that diffuses into your lungs, 
A foreign language that sticks to your tongue 
Bright lights that carve a path along the gravel 
Like the knives that rake through the crimson clay. 

Fits of laughter so whole you might burst 
And times so content you could permanently pin up your smile. 
A mighty mountain to fix your gaze on 
A family to jog towards 
A familiar face to follow through the mas. 

I have flown to the equator 
Where the heat is deafening 
And this bliss is but a mirage.
We wish to acknowledge this land on which Branksome operates. For thousands of years, it has been the traditional land of the Wendat, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. Today, this meeting place is still the home to many Indigenous peoples from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work and go to school on this land.*

*The Land Acknowledgement may evolve as we honour our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation in partnership with Indigenous communities.

Setting the new standard for girls' education everywhere takes collective action. From all of us.